I guess you could say that Parker did not take the change well. As way of letting us know his true feelings toward the situation, he would lift his leg. But his marking was not random or arbitrary. No, he was very deliberate in where and what he marked. Now, if you’re thinking he was only peeing on Ryan’s things, you would be 100% correct. None of my stuff was touched, but Ryan’s jackets, shoes, clothes, bags…all took a hit. We scolded Parker each time we found a drenched item, but to no avail. Parker kept up the bad behavior. Enter, Ryan the dog behaviorist. He said he had had enough and if Parker peed on one more thing, he would take Parker’s favorite toy and pee on it and see how Parker liked it. Now, I’m sure at some point we’ve all made this threat but very few actually follow through. Ryan, however, is not one of the “few.” That’s right! One day after we discovered a freshly marked jacket, Ryan said, “I warned him,” and went running upstairs. Before I could stop him, there he was in the bathroom…peeing on Parker’s prized toy!! After he had left his mark, he handed the toy over to Parker. To my dismay, Parker willingly took the toy and pranced around the apartment with it in his mouth. I shook my head, thinking this was the craziest thing I had ever seen. However, crazy or not...IT WORKED! From that day on, the marking stopped. In fact, from that point on Ryan and Parker became the best of buds.
And now you all know why I married Ryan…because he won the peeing contest!