Yesterday in Chapel Hill, NC the temperature soared to a sweltering 100 degrees! After battling the heat for the past week, I decided it might be a good idea to write a few tips to help keep your dogs cool and happy in the summer. I urge my readers to add their comments and tips as well.
Erin's Tips for Cooler Dogs
1. Water is a dogs best friend. Just like you, your furry friend needs to stay well hydrated. In fact, during these hot months dogs can drink twice as much (or more) than they do during the winter. Always have fresh cool water readily available. If you have multiple dogs, like I do, I recommend using a doggie water cooler. The container I have holds 3 gallons at a time, but you can buy other sizes to fit your dog or dogs. You can find these containers at most pet supply stores.
Erin's Tips for Cooler Dogs
1. Water is a dogs best friend. Just like you, your furry friend needs to stay well hydrated. In fact, during these hot months dogs can drink twice as much (or more) than they do during the winter. Always have fresh cool water readily available. If you have multiple dogs, like I do, I recommend using a doggie water cooler. The container I have holds 3 gallons at a time, but you can buy other sizes to fit your dog or dogs. You can find these containers at most pet supply stores.
2. Ice, Ice Baby! Most dogs love ice. Not only is the cold cube a great way to keep your dog hydrated, but it can also double as a fun new play thing. You can even get creative with your doggie ice cubes. One local store, LocoPops, has incorporated dog friendly popsicles to their menu. LocoPops makes frozen treats from chicken or beef broth frozen onto a rawhide stick. Very clever and easy to do yourself if you want to give it a try.
3. Baby pools aren't just for babies any more. If you are having problems finding a dog friendly lake or river, never fear. Just get a baby pool, fill with cool water, and watch your four-legged friend splash around and have a blast. If your dog is a little hesitant to enter the pool, jump in yourself and show your furry companion how much fun the water can be.
3. Baby pools aren't just for babies any more. If you are having problems finding a dog friendly lake or river, never fear. Just get a baby pool, fill with cool water, and watch your four-legged friend splash around and have a blast. If your dog is a little hesitant to enter the pool, jump in yourself and show your furry companion how much fun the water can be.
4. Shade and Shelter. Always be sure to provide your dog with shade and shelter from the sun. Whether you are outside for a BBQ or taking them to the park, try to stay as much in the shade as possible. Also, keep dogs inside during the hot afternoon. Limit their outside frolic time to the early morning or late evening hours.